Customer Experience Principles

Our customer experience principles guide how we design and deliver our services, ensuring a positive and cohesive experience for you. These seven principles were developed through customer engagement and consultation.
People: We will embed a "customer first and foremost" culture throughout the council that governs how we will develop, improve, design and deliver our services.
Engagement and Communication: We will listen to, and work with our customers, over the services they want, the services they need, and how those should be delivered.
Governance: We will ensure senior managers across the services take ownership of the customer's journey and experience.
Places: To make Powys a county where its residents are aware of council services and how to access them, in a way of their choosing.
Digital Technology: We will employ digital technology, securely and ethically, as the primary solution to service delivery at times to suit the customer.
Customer: Customers should understand what they can expect from the council and what the council expects of them.
Performance Insights and Data: We will use Council data to improve and personalise service delivery and communications, and to monitor and report performance.