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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Customer Experience Principles


Our customer experience principles guide how we design and deliver our services, ensuring a positive and cohesive experience for you. These seven principles were developed through customer engagement and consultation.

People: We will embed a "customer first and foremost" culture throughout the council that governs how we will develop, improve, design and deliver our services.

Engagement and Communication: We will listen to, and work with our customers, over the services they want, the services they need, and how those should be delivered.

Governance: We will ensure senior managers across the services take ownership of the customer's journey and experience.

Places: To make Powys a county where its residents are aware of council services and how to access them, in a way of their choosing.

Digital Technology: We will employ digital technology, securely and ethically, as the primary solution to service delivery at times to suit the customer.

Customer: Customers should understand what they can expect from the council and what the council expects of them.

Performance Insights and Data: We will use Council data to improve and personalise service delivery and communications, and to monitor and report performance.

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