The Powys Parenting Strategy

10 March 2025

A key objective of the Powys Parenting Strategy is that every service working with parents, understands where they fit into the support system and how we can work together to offer a range of support in a variety of methods to meet the needs of families.
We worked with parents and stakeholders to develop the strategy, which aligns with various frameworks and programmes, including the Early Help Strategy, NYTH/NEST Framework, and Pathfinder: Early Years Integration Transformation Programme.
These initiatives focus on providing accessible, co-ordinated support to families, promoting mental health and well-being, and ensuring that children receive the best start in life.
Councillor Sandra Davies, Cabinet Member for Future Generations, said: "Childhood experiences, both positive and negative, have an impact on the health and well-being of children.
"Our ambition is to offer a 'No wrong door approach to services' ensuring families receive support at the right time and in a way that meets their needs.
"The new Powys Parenting Strategy and resources will provide a range of support in a variety of methods to meet the needs of families across Powys."
To read the strategy in full, visit:
To find out more about parenting support available to families, visit:
The council are also in the process of setting up a Parenting Forum and are looking for residents with parental responsibility from across the county to get involved and become Parent Community Representatives. Find out more: