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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed on Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Council Tax: When someone is moving out or in / back in to your home

Single Occupancy (when only one adult lives in a property)

If you are the only eligible adult living in a property, you may qualify for a 25% discount.  This may arise because of a death, separation, divorce or another adult simply moving out - or any other reason.

Apply for Single Occupancy Discount Citizen Access Revenues



Stop claiming Single Occupancy

If you have been claiming Single Occupancy and need to stop claiming it - if you are no longer the only eligible adult living in a property (someone has moved in or back in with you).

Tell us you need to stop claiming single occupancy discount Citizen Access Revenues




Arrangements for students

Adults who are students, apprentices, or trainees might not have to pay Council Tax. If there's only one eligible adult left in the house, they may get a 25% discount. Students need to be on a full-time course for at least one year and study for at least 21-hours each week. Apprentices must be in a training program that leads to a qualification and earn £195 or less per week. Youth trainees under 25 in certain training programs may also be exempt.

Further information can be found on our 'Help for students, apprentices and trainees' webpage

If you move in / move back in with someone

e.g. moving back in with your parents and they are the ones who will be paying council tax or you are moving to other shared accommodation.

Tell us you have moved within Powys , but do not pay the bills You move in / move back in with someone (someone else pays bill)

Permanently in hospital or care

If an adult has moved out of your house to stay in a hospital, residential care home or nursing home permanently, they will not be eligible to pay Council Tax.

Tell us when an adult is permanently in hospital or care Council Tax: Discount Disregards Enquiry Form

If the property is left permanently unoccupied, you should

Tell us the property is unoccupied here Unoccupied properties Unoccupied properties



People in prison or other legal detentions

If you or an adult in your home has been detained by order of a court in prison, hospital or any other place, that person is not eligible to pay Council Tax.

Tell Council Tax when an adult is detained Council Tax: Discount Disregards Enquiry Form



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