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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed on Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Council Tax: Discounts and exemptions on properties

Uninhabited, unfurnished, empty, or uninhabitable properties may be exempt from Council Tax. Specific types of properties are also exempt when they are dedicated solely to a special purpose, such as only housing students or armed forces personnel.

See also: Discounts & reductions (people).

You must tell us immediately of a change in your circumstances.  Failure to do so may result in a Council Tax Penalty being imposed.  If you disagree with a penalty imposed on you, you may wish to discuss it with us first. Alternatively, you may appeal direct to the Valuation Tribunal Wales

Do not use the exemption form for:

Council Tax: Unoccupied and periodically occupied properties INFO

Periodically Occupied properties Unoccupied properties Properties unsuitable for living in

Periodically Occupied properties

Some properties are exempt from council tax altogether. It might be exempt for only a short period, for example, 6 months, or indefinitely.

Read more information (Go to Periodically Occupied properties)

Unoccupied properties

Unoccupied properties can fall into two main categories: long-term empty properties and periodically occupied properties.

Read more information (Go to Unoccupied properties)

Properties unsuitable for living in

Uninhabitable, flood-damaged or unfurnished properties

Read more information (Go to Properties unsuitable for living in)
Periodically Occupied properties Periodically Occupied properties

Periodically Occupied properties

Some properties are exempt from council tax altogether. It might be exempt for only a short period, for example, 6 months, or indefinitely.

Read more information (Go to Periodically Occupied properties)
Unoccupied properties Unoccupied properties

Unoccupied properties

Unoccupied properties can fall into two main categories: long-term empty properties and periodically occupied properties.

Read more information (Go to Unoccupied properties)

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