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Wildlife Advice: Hedgerows



Hedgerows were originally designed to keep animals in or out of fields and to mark ownership boundaries. They are now also appreciated for their cultural and historical associations and great importance for wildlife. 

For information about hedgerow biodiversity see our Powys Biodiversity Partnership pages. The Birds section of these pages provides information on nesting birds in hedgerows. 



The cutting and laying of existing hedgerows is the responsibility of the landowner or occupier. This includes hedges alongside a public highway or public right of way. The County Council may cut hedgerows in order to maintain access along a highway, if this has not already been done by the landowner. This usually only affects hedgerow growth extending into the highway, or where the hedge is blocking road signs.

To report a problem with a hedgerow alongside a public road please use our Reporting Form.



If you remove a hedgerow you must comply with the Hedgerow Regulations 1997. It is illegal to remove or destroy certain hedgerows without permission from Powys County Council. If you have a question about removing hedgerows, please contact the Planning Services. You can find more information on the regulations and hedgerow conservation and management on the following website: 


High Hedges

The council may intervene in disputes between private landowners over domestic boundary hedges and trees but only if the High Hedge Regulations 2005 apply. If you need advice or want to make a complaint under the regulations please contact Planning Services.

For information about the regulations, resolving a dispute and making a complaint visit GOV.UK

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