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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Apply for a parking dispensation

A parking dispensation allows a vehicle to park in breach of a traffic regulation order in a restricted parking area.  However, it will only be considered if there is no other parking space available and the vehicle is needed to carry out specific work to an adjacent property or be as close to the premises as possible for loading or unloading goods and material.

Applications will only be considered where there will be minimal impact on other road users, pedestrians and local businesses.

Restricted parking areas include:

  • Limited waiting bays
  • Loading bays
  • Double and single yellow lines
  • Resident permit bays 

Issuing a temporary dispensation permit will notify the Civil Enforcement Officers that the vehicle has permission to park there contravening the restriction in place.

How we assess an application

When assessing the application we will look at:

  • What is the impact of approving the application, for example, we will check to see if there are any road works or any other dispensations have been approved in that area
  • What are the road safety implications
  • Whether you have paid the correct fee

We will not issue a dispensation (other than in very exceptional circumstances) for:

  • disabled parking spaces
  • bus stops and areas reserved for specific users, e.g. taxi ranks
  • areas subject to a loading ban or locations with loading restrictions
  • school or pedestrian crossing areas marked by zig-zag lines
  • locations within 50 metres of a signal-controlled junction
  • locations where there may be a serious disruption or hazard to traffic or pedestrians
  • instances where there are doubts concerning the validity of the application

How long will it take?

We must receive a correctly completed application form and payment a minimum of five working days in advance of the proposed start date. This is to enable proper consideration to be given to the proposal, consultation with other services and for a site inspection to be carried out.


A Permit costs £25.00 per day, per vehicle, with a maximum of two vehicles.

Only applications for up to a maximum of 5 days will be considered.  If a period of more than 5 days is required then advice from Parking Services would be required.

If you change your vehicle or if you lose your permit, replacement permits cost £25. 

Application Form

To apply for a permit you will need to demonstrate that:

  • You have a real need for the vehicle to be parked on the restriction, for example to perform a task or carry out a job
  • You do not have a realistic alternative place to park

Make an application online Parking dispensation application form

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