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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Essential Skills Audit Session Training


Organisational Benefit

The term Essential Skills covers the skills of numeracy, literacy and ICT.  After leaving education many people often find that their skills levels in these areas can drop through lack of use. As the demands on our workforce to become more ICT literate increase people can also feel left behind and unconfident about grasping new technologies or taking part in e- learning.

An Essential Skills audit will give individuals a detailed picture of where there are gaps in their knowledge and allow for and effective individual learning plan to be put in place that will target the areas highlighted by the assessment. 


Who Should Attend?

This opportunity to evaluate your Essential Skills level is open to anyone who would be interested in upgrading their skill or evaluating what would be required in order to bring up their skills level to a certain standard.


Learning Objectives

  • Ascertain gaps in knowledge relating to literacy, numeracy and ICT skills
  • Be aware of options available to upgrade skills
  • Formulate study plan to address gaps in knowledge


Course Content

  • WEST initial assessment
  • Creation of individual learning plan



The computer based initial assessment can take between 1 and 6 hours depending on the skills level of the participant.  You are allowed to complete the assessment in more than one sitting.


Course Dates and Prices

Dates are extremely flexible and can be arranged at the participants' convenience. One to one sessions may be possible.

Please email: for prices.


Other information

Results of assessments are confidential and will only be viewed by participant and facilitator unless permission is given by the participant to share the information.



Please register your interest using our online form here