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People Handling Training - Risk Assessment

Organisational Benefit

Having an employee with knowledge of how to conduct safer people handling risk assessments within your organisation has a number of benefits.  It will identify moving and handling hazards within your organisation and allow the reduction and minimisation of these for the resident/client and carer.  The delegate will also gain an overview of back pain and musculoskeletal injury, as well as the legal requirements with respect to moving and handling.

Who Should Attend?

People who have responsibility for carrying out moving and handling risk assessments in the health or social care sector.  Delegates should have experience in moving and handling people and/or objects. They are likely to have attended the Safer People Handling Trainers course.

Learning Objectives

  • Be familiar with the legislation, their employer's policy and procedures, and their own responsibilities that relate to manual handling.
  • Be aware of the purpose and use of manual handling risk assessments and be able to carry out basic manual handling risk assessments in their work setting.
  • Be able to prioritise problems identified and devise a plan to avoid or minimise the risk of injury when assisting people to move.
  • Be aware of the importance of ergonomic solutions and be familiar with a range of handling equipment and safe handling approaches that can reduce the risk of injury.

Course Content

  • Overview of back pain and musculoskeletal injury
  • Risk factors in moving and handling
  • Legal requirements with respect to moving and handling
  • An ergonomic systematic approach to risk assessment
  • Risk reduction strategies
  • People handling assessments and documentation
  • Appropriate equipment purchase based on evaluation and assessment
  • Evaluation of risk assessment forms


1/2 Day   (Time: 09:15 to 13:30)

Course Dates and Prices

Please contact

Other information

To ensure competency in risk assessment participants will be asked to complete a risk assessment and handling plan in their work setting and submit this for assessment on day 2 of the course


Powys County Council employees can book onto this course via iTrent Self Service.  For all other applicants, please register your interest using our online form here

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