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Powys Coaching Network

What is Coaching?

Powys County Council currently have internal and associate coaches who act as a sounding board to enable individuals to achieve their goals and overcome personal barriers.  All these coaches are qualified and operate within "Powys Coaching Network".

A coach can help people become more effective in their roles, achieving promotions, being better leaders or achieving career goals.

A coach is not necessarily someone from your department and may not have any understating of your area of work.  They are, however, experts in asking the right questions to enable you to discover for yourself what steps you need to take to achieve success.

Frequency and length of coaching sessions is mutually agreed between the coach and coachee in the first meeting.  The sessions are confidential.  You will discuss areas that you would wish to develop and identify what is stopping you doing this.  The coaches are trained to be challenging and will help you set deadlines for you to meet.

Developing a coaching culture has been endorsed at the highest levels within the authority, with the Corporate Leadership Team actively promoting coaching as a development tool.
Benefits for the organisations (Powys County Council/Powys Teaching Health Board and partner organisations):

  • Ensure robust, effective coaching is provided to coaches. 
  • Lift and promote the status of qualified in Powys and the wider professional coaching arena.
  • Provide opportunities for interactivity with external coaching professionals/ organisations so coaches refresh and expand their professional coaching skills and knowledge.
  • Provide a measure of ongoing, independent quality regulation of coaching practice within the pool.
  • Ensure periodic reviews of coaching in Powys engage our qualified coaches.


If you would like to know more about our Coaching Service, please contact

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