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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Apply / Renew a residents' parking permit

Residents' parking schemes are used in areas where there is more demand than spaces. They don't guarantee a parking space, but help manage parking for people living in those areas.

Applying for a permit

Check to see if your area has a parking scheme.

If your area has a scheme you can use a valid permit at all times when parked in a residents-only area - if you don't, you can receive a Parking ticket.

You can have a permit if:

  • You live full-time at an address in a qualifying area
  • Your vehicle is also registered at that address

Apply / renew a residents parking permit here

We will need to see the vehicle's V5 document to confirm that it is registered to the permit holder at the same address. If you have private use of a company vehicle not registered to your property, a letter from your employer to this effect will be required in substitution of the V5 document.

The permits do not guarantee a space within the zone or near /outside the residents address.



A resident's permit costs £65 a year. Permits start on the 1st of a month. You can apply during the current month or next 2 subsequent months.

Only 1 permit can be issued to each address.

Should demand for permits not exceed the available spaces within the zones, second residents permits and/or visitor permits may be offered for sale.  Note the Council may issue more permits than there are available spaces and therefore availability is on a first come, first served basis.


After applying

  • We will send your permit out by Royal Mail.
  • Allow five working days for delivery and do not park in a residents' space until the permit is displayed.
  • We can withdraw or cancel a permit at any time and will notify you if this happens.
  • Only the original permits issued by this Authority are valid, misuse of a permit may lead to action being taken.


Moving house

Permits are linked by address and are not transferable. You must phone us on 01597 827465 or 0345 6076060 and tell us if you change address so that we can cancel the existing permit. A refund will be made on any remaining whole months when paying a £25 administration fee.

If you're moving into a house in a residents' scheme area don't assume that you will be able to have a parking permit. Speak to the existing resident or phone 01597 827465 or 0345 6076060 to check.


Changing your vehicle

Replacement Parking Permit Application

A £25 administration charge is payable.


Renewing a permit

Make sure you apply before your existing permit expires and leave enough time for the new permit to be sent out to you. If you park without a permit, even if you are waiting for it to be delivered, you can still receive a penalty charge notice.



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