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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Latest Planning Policy News

Update June 2024

The Council is continuing to undertake preparatory work for the Replacement LDP (2022 - 2037).

Evidence gathering is being prepared for a number of key policy topic areas such as a local employment needs assessment, retail assessments, Welsh language and green infrastructure. This evidence is required to inform strategic options for the Preferred Strategy public consultation stage of the Replacement LDP process. It is envisaged that the Preferred Strategy public consultation will take place in August 2024.  

For those interested in Candidate Sites, submissions are being assessed in line with the agreed Candidate Site Assessment Methodology and Site Viability Guidance : Candidate Sites

A Candidate Site Register will be published for comment at the same time as the Preferred Strategy consultation.

Please note that the timetable for preparing the Replacement LDP, as set out in the approved Delivery Agreement, will need to be updated in Summer 2024.

If you would like to be kept informed of the progression of the Replacement LDP, including consultation and engagement events, please register at the Replacement LDP consultation portal.