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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

ED021 - ED032

ED021 Correspondence between Inspector and Council re PPW 9 & Planning (Wales) Act 2015: 

ED022  Letter of Introduction & Notice of Pre-Hearing Meeting to all Representors (PO, 7.12.16) (PDF) [284KB]

ED023  Guidance Notes for Participants (Inspector, 28.12.16) (PDF) [324KB]  

ED024  Council's Notice of Pre-Hearing Meeting & Hearings (January 2017) (PDF) [59KB] 

ED025  Agenda for Pre-Hearing Meeting on 07.02.17 (Inspector 31.01.17) (PDF) [219KB]

ED026 Correspondence between Tina Douglass on behalf of CPRW, and Inspector re PHM: 

ED027 Council's Responses to Inspector's queries / requests for additional info:

ED028  DRAFT Hearings Timetable & Programme (Inspector, UPDATED 22 JUNE 2017) (PDF) [565KB]

ED029 Inspector's Matters & Issues Agendas for the Hearing Sessions:

ED030  Note of Pre-Hearing Meeting on 07.02.17 (Inspector 09.02.17) (PDF) [268KB]

ED031  Statement of Common Ground between Dwr Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW) and Powys County Council REVISED March 2017 (PDF) [538KB]

ED032 Participants Further Statements (and associated documents):