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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

ED021 - ED032

ED021 Correspondence between Inspector and Council re PPW 9 & Planning (Wales) Act 2015: 

ED022  Letter of Introduction & Notice of Pre-Hearing Meeting to all Representors (PO, 7.12.16) (PDF, 284 KB)

ED023  Guidance Notes for Participants (Inspector, 28.12.16) (PDF, 324 KB)  

ED024  Council's Notice of Pre-Hearing Meeting & Hearings (January 2017) (PDF, 59 KB) 

ED025  Agenda for Pre-Hearing Meeting on 07.02.17 (Inspector 31.01.17) (PDF, 219 KB)

ED026 Correspondence between Tina Douglass on behalf of CPRW, and Inspector re PHM: 

ED027 Council's Responses to Inspector's queries / requests for additional info:

ED028  DRAFT Hearings Timetable & Programme (Inspector, UPDATED 22 JUNE 2017) (PDF, 565 KB)

ED029 Inspector's Matters & Issues Agendas for the Hearing Sessions:

ED030  Note of Pre-Hearing Meeting on 07.02.17 (Inspector 09.02.17) (PDF, 268 KB)

ED031  Statement of Common Ground between Dwr Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW) and Powys County Council REVISED March 2017 (PDF, 538 KB)

ED032 Participants Further Statements (and associated documents):



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