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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

ED041 - ED060

ED041  Council's additional paper for Session 4 in response to Inspector's Q.5e (03.04.17) (PDF) [380KB]

ED042  Requested Information on Affordable Rural Dwellings in Rural Settlements for Hearing Session 4 (PCC, April 2017) (PDF) [219KB]

ED043  Hearing Session 6 part 1 audio recording, (ZIP) [21MB]  Hearing Session 6 part 2 audio recording (ZIP) [27MB]

ED044  Hearing Session 7 audio recording (ZIP) [31MB]

ED045  Update on planning permissions granted for residential units since the base date of the plan (01/04/2015) - AP3.5 (PCC April 2017) (PDF) [258KB]  See updates below:

ED046  Requested Position Statement on the release of the Welsh Government’s 2014-based Household Projections - AP3.1 (PCC April 2017) (PDF) [602KB] 

ED047  An analysis of the scale of housing growth within Welsh Speaking Strongholds - AP2.8 (PCC April 2017) (PDF) [270KB]

ED048  Update on the figures of empty properties and empty homes strategy - AP3.2 (PCC April 2017) (PDF) [379KB]

ED049  Updated housing trajectory - AP3.4 (PCC April 2016) (PDF) [323KB]

ED050  Position Statement on the planning and JHLAS history of site P48 HC5 - AP3.6 (PCC April 2017) (PDF) [289KB] 

ED051  BBNPA LDP site plan showing P21 MUA1 - AP10.1 (AB Planning, April 2017) (PDF) [137KB]

ED052 Audio recording of Hearing Session 11:

Hearing Session 11 audio recording (Part 1) (ZIP) [94MB] 

Hearing Session 11 audio recording (part 2) (ZIP) [102MB]

Hearing Session 11 audio recording (part 3) (ZIP) [113MB]

ED053  Map of Elan estate and its relationship to Ceredigion (North Uplands) SLA - AP11.1 (Welsh Water Elan Trust, April 2017) (PDF) [263KB] 

ED054  Requested Information on Affordable Housing in Small Villages (PCC, May 2017) (PDF) [312KB] 

ED055  CPRW Statement re SLA's in Monmouthshire's adopted LDP - AP11.2 (CPRW, May 2017) (PDF) [131KB] 

ED056  Results of viability testing of a 4 unit threshold carried out by DVS - AP4.8 (PCC, May 2017) (PDF) [406KB] 

ED057  Llangynog P34 HA1 Flood Risk Scoping Study - AP9.2 (Waterco, May 2017) (PDF) [3MB] 

ED058  Revised strategy section relating to various AP's (PCC, Amended July 2017) (PDF) [789KB] 

ED059  Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Assessment, 2017 (AECOM) (PDF) [3MB]

ED060  Powys Renewable Energy Assessment: Landscape Sensitivity Study for Solar Farm Development, 2017 (Enplan) (PDF) [17MB]