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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

ED041 - ED060

ED041  Council's additional paper for Session 4 in response to Inspector's Q.5e (03.04.17) (PDF, 380 KB)

ED042  Requested Information on Affordable Rural Dwellings in Rural Settlements for Hearing Session 4 (PCC, April 2017) (PDF, 219 KB)

ED043  Hearing Session 6 part 1 audio recording, (ZIP, 21 MB)  Hearing Session 6 part 2 audio recording (ZIP, 27 MB)

ED044  Hearing Session 7 audio recording (ZIP, 31 MB)

ED045  Update on planning permissions granted for residential units since the base date of the plan (01/04/2015) - AP3.5 (PCC April 2017) (PDF, 258 KB)  See updates below:

ED046  Requested Position Statement on the release of the Welsh Government’s 2014-based Household Projections - AP3.1 (PCC April 2017) (PDF, 602 KB) 

ED047  An analysis of the scale of housing growth within Welsh Speaking Strongholds - AP2.8 (PCC April 2017) (PDF, 270 KB)

ED048  Update on the figures of empty properties and empty homes strategy - AP3.2 (PCC April 2017) (PDF, 379 KB)

ED049  Updated housing trajectory - AP3.4 (PCC April 2016) (PDF, 323 KB)

ED050  Position Statement on the planning and JHLAS history of site P48 HC5 - AP3.6 (PCC April 2017) (PDF, 289 KB) 

ED051  BBNPA LDP site plan showing P21 MUA1 - AP10.1 (AB Planning, April 2017) (PDF, 137 KB)

ED052 Audio recording of Hearing Session 11:

Hearing Session 11 audio recording (Part 1) (ZIP, 94 MB) 

Hearing Session 11 audio recording (part 2) (ZIP, 102 MB)

Hearing Session 11 audio recording (part 3) (ZIP, 113 MB)

ED053  Map of Elan estate and its relationship to Ceredigion (North Uplands) SLA - AP11.1 (Welsh Water Elan Trust, April 2017) (PDF, 263 KB) 

ED054  Requested Information on Affordable Housing in Small Villages (PCC, May 2017) (PDF, 312 KB) 

ED055  CPRW Statement re SLA's in Monmouthshire's adopted LDP - AP11.2 (CPRW, May 2017) (PDF, 131 KB) 

ED056  Results of viability testing of a 4 unit threshold carried out by DVS - AP4.8 (PCC, May 2017) (PDF, 406 KB) 

ED057  Llangynog P34 HA1 Flood Risk Scoping Study - AP9.2 (Waterco, May 2017) (PDF, 3 MB) 

ED058  Revised strategy section relating to various AP's (PCC, Amended July 2017) (PDF, 789 KB) 

ED059  Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Assessment, 2017 (AECOM) (PDF, 3 MB)

ED060  Powys Renewable Energy Assessment: Landscape Sensitivity Study for Solar Farm Development, 2017 (Enplan) (PDF, 17 MB) 

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