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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Preferred Strategy

Powys County Council consulted on its LDP Preferred Strategy back in March / April 2012. 

This was a way of setting out the Council's Preferred Strategy for the development and use of land in Powys in the early stages of the Powys LDP's preparation.

The strategy served to identify a vision and objectives for the LDP based on an understanding of the characteristics, issues and needs of the County and the communities it supports.  Another purpose of the Preferred Strategy was to consider initial options for how much land the LDP should allocate for dwellings, employment and retail.  And which settlements would be best suited to accommodate this growth.

Please note that the content of this document has been superseded by the revised Draft Deposit LDP (2015). 

LDP Preferred Strategy March 2012 (PDF, 2 MB)


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