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Notice: Careline customers please be aware of this scam (January 2025)

Premises and club licences

A single system exists for licensing premises which are used for the sale or supply of alcohol, providing regulated entertainment or late night refreshment. You can only carry out these activities under some or all of the licences on this page.


Licensable activities:

  • Selling alcohol by retail
  • Supplying alcohol to a club member or to sell alcohol to a guest of a club member (for some clubs)
  • Providing regulated entertainment
  • Selling hot food or drink between 11.00pm and 5.00am (including take-aways and mobile caterers) unless you are a hotel, staff canteen or campsite.

Premises licence

If your business sells alcohol or provides entertainment or late night food or drink, you need a premises licence. Large one-off events may need premises licences too.

Club licences

Clubs have special licence requirements as technically they only sell alcohol by retail to guests, as alcohol stock is owned by the members.

Personal licences

Anyone who plans to sell or supply alcohol or authorise the sale or supply of alcohol must apply for a personal licence.

Current premises / club licence applications

You can view the current licence applications here

Minor premises / club licence changes

Premises licence and club premises certificate holders can apply for 'minor variations' to their licences, such as making small changes to the layout of the premises or adding some activities to a licence.

TENs - Temporary Event Notices

A Temporary Event Notice (TEN) allows you to carry out one or more licensable activities at your premises for up to 168 hours.

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