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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Premises licence

Premises licences

If your business sells alcohol or provides entertainment or late night food or drink, you need a premises licence.  Large one-off events may need premises licences too.

If you already have a licence and nothing has changed this year, you can pay your annual fee here

If you sell alcohol, you need at least one person to be a personal licence holder. This person must be named on the premises licence as the responsible person and is known as the Designated Premises Supervisor.

If you have a licence condition that requires you to have CCTV installed at your premises please contact The Police Licensing Officer for a copy of the current CCTV guidance.

The following people can apply for a premises licence:

  • anyone who runs a business in the premises
  • a charity
  • any other permitted person

You must be 18 years old or over to apply.

Did you know: If you have a legal interest in a property, we can keep you informed about licence applications if you notify us (under section 178 of the Licensing Act).


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