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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Premises licence - How to apply

If the premises are in Powys, you will need to apply to us. Applications must be in a specific format. We'll also need to see an operating schedule, a plan of the premises and a form of consent from the premises supervisor.

An operating schedule includes details of:

  • the licensable activities
  • the times when the activities will take place
  • any other times when the premises will be open to the public
  • the period the licence is required for
  • information about the premises supervisor
  • whether alcohol sold is to be drunk on or off the premises
  • any other relevant information.

You must pay a fee when you first apply for your premises licence. If it's granted, you then pay yearly fees, based on the rateable value of the premises.

There is no time limit on a premises licence (unless you ask for one). It lasts until you decide to give it up unless you break the terms and the licence is revoked.

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Responsibilities of Owners and Occupiers

Owners and occupiers of land on which an event takes place where the land in question is included within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) notified under The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) are advised to seek advice from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) prior to commencement of the event. Prior written consent from NRW will be required for operations or activities deemed potentially damaging to the designated features of the Site unless otherwise part of a management agreement prepared in accordance with relevant legislation. Failure to obtain any necessary consent and to abide by its conditions without reasonable excuse may be an offence.

A person organising, facilitating or attending an event who without reasonable excuse intentionally or recklessly destroys or damages the designated feature(s) of a SSSI or intentionally or recklessly disturbs the designated fauna of a SSSI may be committing an offence. This offence may apply to damage or disturbance that occurs on land outside the event boundary. Event organisers are advised to contact NRW for advice prior to commencement of the event.

NRW can be contacted on 0300 065 3000.   /Natural Resources Wales / Sites of special scientific interest (SSSI): responsibilities of owners and occupiers

Application forms

Apply online using the links below.  

Application for a premises licence (PDF, 374 KB)

You must tell us about any changes

You can also get application forms from us using the contact details on this page. Please complete the form and send to - along with the required documentation.

You will be charged a fee for this licence.


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