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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

TENs - Temporary Event Notices

A Temporary Event Notice (TEN) allows you to carry out one or more licensable activities at your premises for up to 168 hours. TENs can be used to authorise small-scale events involving no more than 499 people at any one time, subject to certain restrictions.

A TEN can be used:

  • for an event outside the terms of an existing premises licence
  • for an event held in a place which doesn't have a premises licence.

If the notice meets the criteria laid down in Licensing Act, the event will go ahead unless a counter notice is served.  A TEN can be used for events that include:

  • Plays or films
  • Indoor sporting events, boxing, wrestling
  • Live/recorded music
  • Dancing, or dance performances
  • Facilities for making music/dancing
  • Sale/supply of alcohol
  • Provision of late night refreshment (hot food and drink between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.)

It is important that you make sure that any licensed activities are carried out as described in the notice you give us. The notice must be in the right format and must be made by someone over 18 years of age.

You can use the application form on this page to give us notice, or you can tell us:

  • details of the licensable activities
  • the event period
  • the times when the activities will take place during the event
  • the maximum number of people proposed to be allowed on the premises
  • if you're going to supply alcohol, you will need to give us a statement confirming that it is a condition of using the premises that the supplies are made under the premises user's authority
  • anything else you think we should know

You will be able to assume that your application has been granted if you have not heard from us within 9 calendar days of sending your request.

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Responsibilities of Owners and Occupiers

Owners and occupiers of land on which an event takes place where the land in question is included within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) notified under The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) are advised to seek advice from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) prior to commencement of the event. Prior written consent from NRW will be required for operations or activities deemed potentially damaging to the designated features of the Site unless otherwise part of a management agreement prepared in accordance with relevant legislation. Failure to obtain any necessary consent and to abide by its conditions without reasonable excuse may be an offence.

A person organising, facilitating or attending an event who without reasonable excuse intentionally or recklessly destroys or damages the designated feature(s) of a SSSI or intentionally or recklessly disturbs the designated fauna of a SSSI may be committing an offence. This offence may apply to damage or disturbance that occurs on land outside the event boundary. Event organisers are advised to contact NRW for advice prior to commencement of the event.

NRW can be contacted on 0300 065 3000.   /Natural Resources Wales / Sites of special scientific interest (SSSI): responsibilities of owners and occupiers

Application form

Apply using the form link below. 

Temporary Event Notice Application Form (PDF, 344 KB)

TENs guidance notes (PDF, 214 KB)

Organising Events Safely - Guidance for Event Organisers (PDF, 504 KB)

Please complete the form and send to along with the required documentation.

You will be charged a fee for this licence. 

There are some limitations on events held under a TEN

  • No more than 499 people can be on the premises at any one time
  • Each TEN event can last up to 168 hours
  • There can be no more than 12 TEN events on a premises per year
  • No more than 21 days per year can be covered by a TEN at any premises
  • There must be a minimum of 24 hours between each event at any premises
  • Multiple TENS can be submitted at the same time, but each event is a separate TEN with a separate fee payable. The limits set out above cannot be exceeded
  • You must be 18 years or older to give a TEN and can give a maximum of five TENs per year. If you are a personal licence holder, you can give a maximum of 50 TENs per year.

If these criteria are not met, you'll need a full Premises Licence.

Where premises are available for hire to organisations/individuals for their own events, premises owners/operators must be aware that TENs they submit will be counted under the limits set down in the  Act.  We recommend that a booking agreement is used to make sure that all TENs made for events held on a premises are made with the agreement of the premises' owner.

A TEN is treated as being from the same premises user even if it is given by an associate. An 'associate' could be a spouse, child, parent, grandchild, grandparent, brother or sister or their spouses, or agent or employee or an agent or employee's spouse.


Appeals and Complaints

If you're unhappy about any of our decisions, please contact us to discuss it.

If we issue a counter notice, you may appeal against the decision. Appeals must be made to the local Magistrates' court within 21 days. An appeal must be brought at least five working days before the day of the planned event.

Other interested parties

If we receive an objection and decide not to issue a counter notice, the chief police officer can appeal the decision. Appeals must be made to the local Magistrates' court within 21 days. An appeal must be brought at least five working days before the day of the planned event.

Consumer complaints

If you have a complaint about a business using TENs please contact your local office using the details on this page.


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