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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Club licences - How to apply

Applications for premises in Powys should be made to us. They must be in a specific format and should be sent with a plan of the premises, the rules of the club and a club operating schedule, which should include the following information:

  • the activities of the club
  • the times the activities are to take place
  • other opening times
  • if alcohol supplies are to be drunk on or off the premises
  • any other relevant information

We may inspect your premises before we consider your application.

You'll need to pay a fee when you first apply for your Club Premises Certificate. If it is granted, you then pay yearly fees based on the rateable value of the premises.

Application forms

Apply online using the links below.  The links take you to another government website.

Apply for a new club premises certificate

Pay annual fee

You must tell us about any changes - see dedicated section on this page.

You can also get application forms from us using the contact details on this page. Please complete the form and return it with the fee to the area licensing office.

You will be charged a fee for this licence.


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