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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

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Powys County Council Management Structure
Leadership diagram

Chief Executive: Emma Palmer

Director of Education and Children: Lynette Lovell

  • Head of Education: Georgie Bevan
  • Head of Children's Services: Sharon Powell

Interim Director of Social Services and Housing: Nina Davies

  • Head of Adult Services: Sharon Frewin
  • Interim Head of Commissioning and Partnerships: Rachel Evans
  • Interim Head of Housing: Andy Thompson

Interim Director of Economy & Community Services: Diane Reynolds

  • Interim Head of Economy & Digital Services: Ellen Sullivan
  • Interim Head of Community Services: Jenny Ashton

Interim Director of the Environment: Matt Perry

  • Head of Property, Planning and Public Protection: Gwilym Davies

Corporate Services

  • Head of Workforce and Organisation Development: Paul Bradshaw
  • Interim Head of Transformation & Democratic Services: Catherine James

Head of Finance (Section 151): Jane Thomas

Head of Legal and Monitoring Officer: Clive Pinney