Focussed Changes: January 2016
LDP17 *Focussed Changes consultation statutory docs:
- Notice of Submission and Consultation on Focussed Changes to the LDP (January 2016) (PDF, 54 KB)
- Focussed Changes Consultation Letter (Jan 2016) (PDF, 97 KB)
- Focussed Changes Representation Form (PDF, 98 KB)
LDP18 Schedule of Proposed Focussed Changes – Addendum to the Deposit LDP (Jan 2016) (PDF, 1 MB) & Focussed Changes Appendix 1 - Map Changes (PDF, 7 MB)
LDP19 *Sustainability Appraisal for Powys LDP (Jan 2016):
- Sustainability Appraisal Powys LDP (Jan 2016) (includes Appendices 1, 2 & 3) (PDF, 1 MB)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendix 4 - Assessment of Settlement Hierarchy (Towns, Large Villages and Small Villages) (Jan 2016)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendix 5 - Assessment of Site Allocations (Jan 2016)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendix 6 - Assessment of Candidate Sites (Jan 2016)
LDP20 Habitats Regulations Appraisal: Assessment of Proposed Focussed Changes (Jan 2016) (PDF, 347 KB)
LDP21 *Strategic Environmental Assessment (Jan 2016):
- SEA Environmental Report (Jan 2016) (includes Appendices 1, 2, 4, 5, 6A & 6B) (PDF, 6 MB)
- SEA Environmental Report - Appendix 3A (Jan 2016) (ZIP, 608 KB)
- SEA Environmental Report - Appendix 3B (Jan 2016) (ZIP, 181 KB)
- SEA Environmental Report - Appendix 3C (Jan 2016)