Wellbeing Information Bank: Environment

Waste management
Volumes of waste either sent to landfill or reused/recycled/composted by year and local authority.

Fly Tipping
The number of recorded fly tipping incidents by local authority.

Air quality
Average NO2 - Nitrogen Oxide, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations across local authority areas, measured in µg/m3 (DEFRA data).

Flood risk
The National Flood Risk Assessment (NaFRA) together with the National Property Dataset (NPD) are used to determine the number of properties (Residential and non-residential) at risk of flooding from rivers and sea in Wales.

Carbon dioxide emissions
Estimates of CO2 emissions from 2005, in metric tonnes as a Grand Total and per Capita Emissions (per person).

Renewable energy
A study of low carbon energy projects in Wales.

Energy consumption
Domestic gas and electricity mean consumption in kwh.