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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Wellbeing Information Bank: Social

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Disability and sensory loss within Powys

The rate of people with registered disability and sensory loss per 1,000 population, by Local Authority.

Unpaid Carers

The number of unpaid carers by provision of care by Local Authority, Locality, Age Band and Hours worked.

Delay in transfer of care (DTOC)

The numbers of people experiencing a delay in the arrangements for them to leave hospital, for example to go home, or to move to another more appropriate facility within the NHS by local authority.

Health of adults

Health and illnesses of adults aged 16+ by Local Authority, by health status and/or illness.


The percentage of people self-reported by lifestyle criteria and Local Authority.

School benchmarking

Information on pupil numbers, free school meals, English as an additional language, and other measures across Wales

Domiciliary care

Number of clients and hours.

Children with disabilities

Children with disabilities broken down into age groups, ethnicity, gender, child protection status and Local Authority

Vulnerable children

Children receiving care and support broken down into age groups, ethnicity, gender, child protection status and Local Authority

Housing association properties in Powys

Explore social landlord housing numbers, average rent prices and EPC ratings by Powys' 13 localities.

People who are lonely

Percentage of people who are lonely by Welsh Local Authority

General Health CENSUS

Census data showing general health of people by Locality, Local Authority and year difference.
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