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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

When to apply

Building Regulations will probably apply if you want to:

  • Put up a new building or extend or alter an existing one
  • Provide fittings such as drains or heat-producing appliances
  • Provide washing and sanitary facilities or hot water storage
  • Install replacement double glazing
  • Change the buildings use
  • Removing an internal load bearing wall

They may also apply to certain changes of use of an existing building, or if your work could have implications for an adjacent property. Please contact us before you start any building work, so that we can decide whether the Regulations apply.

You can also use the Planning Portal's Interactive House to see if you need building regulations approval.

Change of use

  • When a building that was not previously a dwelling is used as one.
  • Where a building contains a flat when it didn't before.
  • When a building is used as a hotel, hospital, residential home or boarding house when it didn't before.
  • When a building becomes a public building (e.g. school, theatre, hall, church) when it didn't before.
  • When the number of dwellings in a residential building changes
  • When a building which was exempt from the requirements of the regulations, is no longer exempt.

Competent Person Scheme

If you intend to use a Competent Person Scheme for works such as: electrics, boilers and windows, you do not need to make a Building Regulation application to us.


  • Email:
  • Phone: 01874 612290
  • Address: 
    • Brecon Office - Neuadd Brycheiniog, Cambrian Way, Brecon, Powys, LD3 7HR
    • Llandrindod Wells Office - County Hall Llandrindod Wells LD1 5LG
    • Welshpool Office: Ty Maldwyn, Brook Street, Welshpool, SY21 7PH
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

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