Register a new property / street name
Streets should be named and, where practicable, properties numbered before the houses are occupied.
If you want to name an existing private street then please contact us to discuss your proposals.
The key stages of naming and numbering of new housing, commercial and industrial developments are:
- Early liaison with potential developers to agree names
- Liaison between Council Members, the Post Office and other statutory bodies
- New roads and properties must be named and numbered in accordance with approved guidelines and procedures, before the houses are occupied.
The developer should:
- Provide suggested street names before work starts on site. Please provide a choice in your order of preference
- Delegate responsibility to the local Community Council.
The Council should:
- Carry out consultations with Welsh Translation Service, the local member, the community Council and the Address Management Service and reply to you within 28 days.
Guidelines for selecting street names
The proposed street name should be:
- Bilingual unless Welsh is proposed
- Readily translated into Welsh
- Wherever possible, derived from historical, geographical or local connections in the area.
In addition street names should end in the following suffixes:
- For residential roads - road, street or way.
- For cul-de-sacs and small developments - crescent, close, square, court or mews.
Application Forms
- SNN2 - New dwelling (two or less) (Word doc) [37KB]
- SNN3 - New Developments New Street Name (3 or more) (Word doc) [38KB]
- SNN4 - Amendment to a Development Layout (Word doc) [36KB]
- SNN5 - Property Conversion to Flats or Units (Word doc) [38KB]
- SNN6 - Street Renaming at Residents request (Word doc) [37KB]
Street Naming and Numbering Charges 2024 (PDF) [224KB]
View the full Street Naming and Numbering guidance notes (PDF) [706KB]
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