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Notice: Household Flood Claim Form - Storm Bert & Storm Darragh: Were you affected???

Carers Training (Paid, Unpaid, Foster)

A Carer is anyone who looks after someone who is ill, frail, disabled, has mental health or substance misuse problems and cannot manage without their help. The help they provide is unpaid. Carers are also welcome to attend any of the other training available under the Social Care page.

Practical Support to Attend Training

If you want to access training but feel that your caring role might prevent this, Powys Carers and the Training Unit can help by:

  • cover the cost of replacement care through your usual provider or Crossroad
  • cover cost of babysitting / child minding through your usual provider or another
  • cover transport cost per mile or if you cannot drive by taxi / community car
  • be flexible with which parts of the course you attend
  • this must be agreed when you book your place on the course


The training listed on this page is only the mandatory training which the Outreach Workers are required to hold.

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