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Team Manager Development Programme

The Institute of Public Care (IPC), at Oxford Brookes University, has been commissioned to deliver a development programme for social care team managers across Wales. Improvement in the quality of services is at the heart of social care reform, and it is front-line managers and senior practitioners who are responsible for delivering this improvement to service users. The programme is designed specifically to help front-line managers and senior practitioners in social care settings to improve the management of practice quality in adults and children's social care.

The programme will enable managers to improve practice quality within their teams. It is highly interactive and will provide participants with practical tools, methods and skills as well as relevant new knowledge. On completion of the programme, participants will have a better understanding of the key drivers influencing practice quality in social care and be better equipped to make good case-management decisions. The programme will also develop transferable personal skills such as project management, evaluation and critical thinking.

In-depth knowledge of the key drivers influencing practice quality in social care settings and a critical understanding of their application to the student's own organisation

Ability to implement good quality management practice in their team

Analyse and evaluate personal competence, and design and manage their own personal development strategy


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