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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

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Searching on privacy notice found 331 results
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  • Parking Dispensation Terms and Conditions

    ...the withdrawal of the dispensation and may result in the issue of a Penalty Charge Notice. Dispensation notices are issued for use by...

  • Costs involved

    ...the other following the first site inspection (Inspection Charge). For a Building Notice application, the full charge is payable when...

  • Renting Home (Wales) Act 2016 - Questions and Answers - Will there be any other changes?

    ...that your home is not fit to live in, you do not have to pay rent during that time. Notice to leave Powys County Council must give you...

  • The Planning Process - Publicity and Consultation

    ...authorities to undertake publicity and consultation. The term 'publicity' refers to giving notice that an application has been received...

  • Local Bus Times

    ...may be reduced or cancelled on public holidays and timetables can change at short notice. Always check fares and journey times before...

  • Llanidloes Road, Newtown Outcome

    ...2021, and comes into effect on 15 th March 2021. A copy of the sealed Order and the corresponding press notice can be viewed below:-

  • Resident fined for fly-tipping at community recycling site

    A South-Powys resident has been issued with a £400 Fixed Penalty Notice after being caught dumping cardboard boxes on the ground at their...

  • Talgarth resident lands £300 fine for dumping rubbish in the community recycling site

    ...sites not only contaminates tonnes of recycling but has also resulted in one careless Talgarth resident receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice.

  • Staff shortages continue to hamper waste and recycling collections

    ...but it is the front facing service areas, such as the weekly waste and recycling collections, which are most noticeable for our residents

  • Is Shared lives Support right for me?

    ...the community. Supported and encouraged to make choices. Respected and have their privacy. Supported to manage any risks to their health...