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New Safeguarding Framework Information Care Wales have launched a new training framework and standards for safeguarding. We have commissioned training to meet the requirements starting in May ...
Licences and Permits - Houses in multiple occupation introduced licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO). The Act provided a detailed definition of HMOs and set out standards of management for these...
Ash Dieback dieback, also known as Chalara dieback of ash, is a fungal disease that affects all species of ash trees (Fraxinus). The disease has spread west across the ...
Careline Terms and Conditions Careline is a 24-hour alarm monitoring service. Operators are trained to respond to calls placed to them via the Careline alarm, they will contact emergen...
Questions and answers about Building Control answers to your most frequently asked questions about Building Control and Regulations
Suitability Criteria for the Hackney and Private Hire Trade Powers Appeals Considerations Guidance on Determination Drivers 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The purpose of this document is to provide gui...
Home to School and College Transport Policy Powys County Council ("the Council") has a legal duty to provide learners of compulsory school age with free transport to their nearest suitable ma...