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How to use a Blue Badge

A blue badge is not a licence to park anywhere. If you park where it would cause an obstruction or danger to other road users, you could be fined or have your vehicle removed. In many locations, parking is prohibited under any circumstances. Consequently, you should check about local arrangements.

In general, the scheme allows the following parking benefits as long as you display your valid disabled parking badge.

Off-street car parks

Off-street car park operators should provide parking spaces for disabled people. However, it is up to the car park owner to decide whether badge holders can park without charge. Do not assume you can always park for free.

On-street parking

Blue badge holders can park free, without limit at parking meters or where there is 'pay and display' on-street parking. That is, unless a local traffic order specifies a time limit for blue badge holders. You should check local information, as restrictions can vary between locations.
Blue badge holders may be exempt from limits on parking times imposed on other motorists. As always, check local information before parking.

Single or double yellow lines

Usually, blue badge holders may park on single or double yellow lines for up to three hours in England and Wales, or without limit in Scotland. The exception is where there is a ban on loading or unloading, and at certain locations where local schemes apply such as Central London.

Do not park where it would endanger, inconvenience, or obstruct pedestrians or other road users.


The misuse of blue badges

Blue badges can be misused in several ways. The following lists include offenses of varying severity, and are not exhaustive.

A blue badge holder must not:

  • use an out of date blue badge
  • use a blue badge reported lost or stolen
  • let a friend or relative use the blue badge
  • use a copied blue badge
  • alter a blue badge's details such as the expiry date
  • make a fraudulent application such as providing false information on the application form
  • make multiple applications
  • use a fraudulently obtained blue badge

A third party must not:

  • use someone else's blue badge without the badge holder being in the vehicle for the trip's entire duration under any circumstances
  • use a blue badge specifically to pick up someone's prescription/shopping etc., without the badge holder being in the vehicle for the trip's entire duration
  • use a blue badge belonging to someone dead
  • copy, alter or make blue badges
  • use a lost or stolen blue badge


Deceased badge holders

If a badge holder passes away, please return the badge to us at the address below.


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