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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Garden Waste collection service - Terms and Conditions

1. The Agreement

1.1         This agreement is made between the resident ('the customer') and Powys County Council ('the Council'). This document sets out the terms and conditions under which the customer may use the Council's fortnightly garden waste collection service ('the service)'.

1.2         The council may vary or change the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time. The customer will be given 10 days' written notice of any such changes.

2. The Service

2.1         The service consists of chargeable fortnightly collections of garden waste from Powys County Council issued containers throughout the garden waste collection season (the 'season').

2.2          In 2025, the season runs between the 3rd March and 5th December.

2.2.1      Individual customers' collections will fall between the dates specified in section 2.2 depending on the start date of the collection cycle for their property. For example, in the 2025 season, if the first possible collection for a property is Monday 3 March, the last possible collection would be on Monday 21 November; but if the first possible collection is on Friday 14 March, the last collection would be on Friday 5 December.

2.2.2     The specific collection dates for each customer will be communicated by email upon successful application to the service, or by customer services staff if paying over the phone. Additionally, all collection dates in the season for a given property will be printed on the sticker(s) provided (see section 2.6). Individual collection dates can also be checked at any point throughout the season on the bin day finder on the Council's website, or by calling the Council's customer services team on 01597 827 465.

2.2.3     Due to the changing nature of subscriber numbers from season to season, as well as within a season, the Council may make changes to the collection rounds, and therefore potentially to a customers' collection days, where necessary to maintain an operationally practical and economical service. Any day changes will be fully communicated by email or telephone where possible, or else by in writing by post, and replacement sticker(s) issued to the customer.

2.2.4     Collection day changes may also occur between seasons upon review of the collection rounds in the off-season. These will not be communicated to the customer until the customer re-subscribes for the following new season (see section 2.2.2), and so customers should not assume that their collection day will automatically be the same as in a previous season.

2.3        The green garden waste wheeled bins will remain the property of the Council through the duration of the Agreement.

2.4        The charge for the service is per container, for the current season only (see section 2.2). If a customer subscribes part way through the current season, they are still only entitled to the remainder of the scheduled collections in the current season only for that charge. Subscriptions will not roll over to the next season. Therefore to ensure access to all available collections within the season, customers should subscribe as early as possible before the season begins.

2.4.1     The charges for each container type for the current season are as follows;  The charge applied for collections from a 240ltr wheeled bin is £60.

        The charge applied for collections from a 140ltr wheeled bin is £55.

        The charge applied for collections from sacks is £55.

2.5         Customers are able to request more than one container per property. Additional containers will be provided at cost to the customer, as per the charges specified in 2.4.1.   e.g. two 240ltr wheeled bins per property would be charged at £120.

2.6         The council will provide a garden waste subscription sticker to customers for each wheeled bin they have paid for. This will be posted to the customers address within 10 working days of the subscription date.

2.6.1    The customer must place the stickers below the wheeled bin handlebar. The council will not collect garden waste from bins not displaying their garden waste subscription sticker.

2.7         The council will only collect garden waste from within containers provided by the council. The waste must be completely within the container and no side waste (additional waste left adjacent to, or on top of the bin) will be collected. The only exceptions to this will be in cases described in section 2.10 and its subsections.

2.8         The council will not empty green garden waste containers that are too heavy or unsafe to handle. The customer will ensure that excess weight is removed where necessary. The maximum weight of material that will be collected from each wheeled bin is;

2.8.1    90kg of garden waste in a 240ltr wheeled bin

2.8.2    45kg of garden waste in a 140ltr wheeled bin

2.9         The green garden waste containers must be presented for collection by 7:30am on the designated collection day, at the designated collection point defined by the Council.

        2.10        If the Council fails to collect from the customer on any scheduled collection date during the season, this will be considered a 'missed collection'.

2.10.1     If the missed collection is for known reasons, such as, but not limited to: vehicle breakdown, staff sickness or absence, inclement weather etc.; the Council will notify all affected customers by email, if one was provided when subscribing to the season. Such issues will also be communicated on the Council's website and social media channels, so the customer should refer to these, or check with the Council's customer services team on 01597 827 465, before reporting a missed collection to the Council, either via the Council's website, by emailing, or by calling the Council's customer services team on 01597 827 465.

2.10.2     If the missed collection was due to unknown reasons; for example, the collection round went ahead as planned but the customer's property was still missed, the customer must report this to the Council as soon as possible, either via the Council's website, by emailing, or by calling the Council's customer services team on 01597 827 465.

2.10.3     In both instances of missed collections described in sections 2.10.1 and 2.10.2, the Council will endeavour to re-collect on a new date before the next scheduled collection. If this is not possible, then any excess material accrued in the meantime should be presented alongside the customer's wheeled bin on the next scheduled collection date, and this will also be collected. Excess material must be presented in suitable sturdy sack(s), no larger than standard refuse sacks, to enable safe emptying by our collection crews, and the sack(s) will be left behind in the customer's wheeled bin after emptying, either for re-use by the customer, or for disposal in the customer's next residual waste (black wheeled bin or purple sacks, as applicable) collection. The number of sacks presented must not exceed the capacity of the bin previously missed.

2.10.4       A collection will not be considered missed if the customer has not presented their bins in line with section 2.9.

2.10.5       In both instances of missed collections described in sections 2.10.1 and 2.10.2, no refunds will be issued where the Council has successfully completed a re-scheduled collection, or cleared excess material during later scheduled collections. In exceptional circumstances where a refund is required, this will be issued at a rate proportional to the number of collections missed as a percentage of the annual charge.

2.11      If your green garden waste containers become damaged we will repair or replace it, free of charge, as soon as is reasonably practicable. However, if the damage is due to neglect or misuse, the cost of repair or replacement may be recharged to the customer. If your green garden waste wheeled bin is damaged, please report this to the Council 01597 827 465.

2.12      If your green garden waste containers are lost or stolen, please notify the Council along with a Police incident number. Once we have received this we will replace it, free of charge, as soon as is reasonably practical. Please call the Council 01597 827 465.

2.13      Should a customer change address (within Powys) the service can be transferred to a new address, providing notification is provided to the council. Customers moving outside the county must inform the council and present the green garden waste wheeled bin for removal.

3. Termination

3.1         The council reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and remove green garden waste wheeled bins from customers at any time if;

3.1.1     The council decides that the property is not suitable for the service due to restricted access. A full refund will be made to the customer.

3.1.2     The customer fails to make payments related to this Agreement to the council at the required time. A refund will not be made for monies received, and the customer will remain liable to pay the full season cost of the service.

3.1.3       The customer regularly places items out for collection which do not qualify as household garden waste, or which are prohibited items. A refund will not be made for monies received and the customer will remain liable to pay the full season cost of the service.

3.2         The customer is able to terminate this Agreement at any time by giving seven days' prior written notice to the Council. A refund for monies received will not be made, and the customer will remain liable to pay the full season cost of the service.


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