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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Mandatory Gender Pay Gap Report 2018

The Council believes in creating a diverse and gender balanced workforce which reflects the residents and communities we serve.

The Council had, in 2018, a mean gender pay gap of 9.80 per cent (average) and a median (middle) gender pay gap of 9.48 per cent.

This represents improvements of 8.6 per cent in the mean gender pay gap and 7.2 per cent in the median gender pay gap over the previous 12 months.

We believe in job opportunities for everybody regardless of gender, and will challenge ourselves to be more inclusive as a public organisation. We want to create a truly inclusive culture and will be honest about the issues we and others face in our day-to-day work.

We are committed to a rigorous assessment and competency-based approach that ensures all appointments and internal promotions are made solely on the basis of merit.  And are demonstrated against objective and non-discriminatory criteria.

There is still much work to do and our report highlights the degree of challenge that we face. However, the Council is fully committed to closing the gender pay gap.

The graphic, set out as the appendix to this report, shows clearly the:

  • mean gender pay gap in hourly pay;
  • median gender pay gap in hourly pay; and
  • pay quartiles.

The Council does not operate a bonus pay scheme and there is no data consequently on which to report.

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