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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Equalities and fairness at the council

Our Corporate and Strategic Equality Plan

In 2020, we decided to integrate our Strategic Equality Plan and Corporate Plan, resulting in the Corporate and Strategic Equality Plan. By bringing our plans together into one, we aim to ensure that equality is an integral part to delivering the outcomes of the Councils vision.

As a Council, we are committed to promoting equality, equity and diversity and improving our services and employment practices to meet the different needs of the People of Powys and employees.  In doing so, we aim to

  • stop discrimination — so people aren't treated differently because of who they are, their culture, a disability or anything.
  • stop disadvantage — so people don't miss out on opportunities in life because of where they live, or socio-economic circumstances.

Previous versions to 2020 of the Strategic Equality Plan are archived below as well as the monitoring reports however if you would like to see the current version, please click on this link which will take you to our Corporate and Strategic Equality Plan.

If you'd like any of the documents in large print, braille, easy read or in an audio format, please contact us using the contact details on this page.

Equality: Is about everyone having equal opportunities to make the most out of life, getting the support they need and being treated fairly. At its core, equality means fairness: we must ensure that individuals, or groups of individuals, are not treated less favourably because of their protected characteristics.

Equity: Is understanding we don't all start from the same place. Some people need more support to reach the same outcomes.

Diversity: Is recognising, respecting and celebrating each other's differences

Inclusion: is about creating an environment where everyone feels welcome, valued, is accessible and can participate

Protected characteristics: The following are the legal protected characteristics, under The Equality Act 2010:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Discrimination on the grounds of any of these characteristics is illegal. Discrimination can take many forms including direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, bullying, harassment and victimisation.

Annual Monitoring Report

We publish an annual report each year showing progress across all of our equalities work and our employment information.

As well as integrating the SEP into our Corporate Plan in 2020 we also integrated the annual report showing progress across all of our equalities work.  This can be found on the Corporate Improvement Plan Annual performance reports page .

SEP Annual Monitoring 2019-20

SEP Annual Monitoring 2018-19

SEP Annual Monitoring 2017-18

SEP Annual Monitoring 2016-17

SEP Annual Monitoring 2015-16 

SEP Annual Monitoring 2014-2015 (PDF, 809 KB)

SEP Annual Monitoring 2013-2014 (PDF, 1 MB)

SEP Annual Monitoring 2012-13 (PDF, 712 KB)


 Previous Plans

Strategic Equality Plan 2019-2020 Update (PDF, 565 KB)

Strategic Equality Plan 2018-2020 Update (PDF, 1 MB)

Strategic Equality Plan 2017-2020 Update (PDF, 1 MB)

Strategic Equality Plan 2016-2020 (PDF, 1 MB)

Strategic Equality Plan 2016-2020 Impact Assessment (PDF, 754 KB)

Strategic Equality Plan 12-16 (PDF, 1 MB)



Impact Assessment

In 2016 with the enactment of the Well Being and Future Generation Act we further integrated the requirements for impact assessments and created a pragmatic toolkit.  The toolkit has incorporated the following legislative requirements: 

  • Equalities,
  • Council Vision and Strategic Priorities,
  • Welsh Language,
  • Future Generations and Sustainable development,
  • Risk Management,
  • Safeguarding and
  • other core guiding principles. 

This toolkit will facilitate improved decision-making, based on evidence, which considers the wider implications for the service, the council and communities of Powys. It will demonstrate that the council has shown due regard for the corporate, legislative and regulatory requirements placed upon it.


Mandatory Gender pay gap report


Gender Pay Gap Action plan 2019-20 (PDF, 543 KB)




If you have any complaint regarding any equality issue (ethnic background, race, gender, age, disability, religion / belief, sexual orientation or language) Please use our Complaint form but let us know that it is in relation to an equality issue.


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