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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Toilets in Powys

Definition:  a public toilet is a facility that the public can use that may be in public or private ownership, within a variety of premises and which does not require the user to be a customer or make a purchase.

Powys County Council launched a Public Toilet Strategy in May 2019. This was updated in May 2023.

Toilet Logo

The aim of the strategy is to sustain and improve access to public toilets in a number of ways over the next few years working particularly with town and community councils (a number of whom already run a number of toilets across the county) and with retail businesses (a number of whom already offer customer toilets).

Some of the actions include:

  • Toilets are now available to use in accessible areas of Powys County Council Buildings
  • seeking to work with private cafes and retail type businesses to promote the "Use our Loos" campaign
  • Information regarding there being guidance for a provision of toilets available at temporary events
  • investigating ways to use Section 106 agreements so as to provide toilet provision if a company were to build a new community/retail type facility in a Powys town
  • boosting baby and Changing Places facilities
  • publicising information about facility locations, opening hours, type of provision etc.

View our strategy (PDF, 2 MB)

Powys County Council has undertaken a review of the Local Toilet Strategy originally published in 2019. This review can be accessed here:  Local Toilet Strategy - Interim Progress Statement 2023 (PDF, 250 KB)

Although progress has been made on a number of key areas, this review has identified a need for further development, and therefore the 2019 strategy will now be revised and developed further. 

Find a public toilet Please note: The spreadsheet providing information about toilets in Powys was gathered as part of the consultation exercise and was accurate at the time of print.  It will be updated as part of the review process.

Welsh Government National Toilet Map

Image of a toilet sign

British Toilet Association

Changing Places

Welsh Government Remit: 

The Welsh Government's is developing a mobile app (application), which will map out all public toilet provision in Wales. Watch this space for more information.  

Non-domestic rate relief. As from 1 April 2020, standalone public lavatories will have their rates bills reduced to zero.  See the Welsh Government website for more information.


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