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Affordable Housing Register

Powys County Council has partnered with Tai Teg - an Affordable Housing Register hosted by Grwp Cynefin Housing Association covering Local Authority areas across North Wales and Powys.  The Council is promoting the use of Tai Teg as a way of connecting people with housing opportunities in the area.

An Affordable House is one that is provided at less than market value, either for rent or purchase, and where there are secure planning mechanisms in place to ensure the future availability and affordability of the housing to those in local need.

Tai Teg is a register for households who are in need of intermediate affordable housing.  Households in need of social housing should go to the  'Apply for social housing' page.

Tai Teg includes the following types of housing schemes:

  • Intermediate Rent
  • Rent to Own*
  • Homebuy
  • Shared Equity
  • Shared Ownership
  • Affordable Housing for Sale
  • Affordable Self-build

*It should be noted that Rent to Own does not fall within the planning definition of affordable housing as defined by Technical Advice Note 2.

Tai Teg enables eligible occupiers to be found for existing and planned affordable housing.  Applicants will need to apply to register with Tai Teg before being assessed to confirm their eligibility for an existing or proposed affordable home.

Funding is available to assist individuals who want to purchase a property of their own choice on the open market in Powys by providing a Homebuy loan of between 30%-50% of the asking price.

For further information and to register, please visit the Tai Teg website.

As of January 2023, households cannot currently register on Tai Teg for Homebuy. Homebuy is only available in the south of Powys - please contact Melin Homes direct for further information: 01495 745911 /

Tai Teg will be used as part of the planning process:

  • by the Council and Housing Associations to provide evidence of need for affordable housing.
  • by developers to inform the mix of affordable housing on their housing developments.
  • by individual households to provide evidence of their local need for affordable housing to support planning applications for affordable housing on exception sites.
  • by individual households to provide evidence of their eligibility to occupy existing affordable housing.
  • by the Council, Housing Associations, developers and individual households to market existing affordable housing for rent or purchase.

To find out more about how Tai Teg can assist with your affordable housing proposals, please contact Tai Teg on 03456 015 605 or


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