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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Who we are and what we do

The Council's Constitution: Our rules and procedures.

Council democratic structure: Information about the function and process of meetings (Council Meetings, Executive and other Committees).

Council directorate structure: Our organisational structure and contact details for the Chief Executive and Corporate Directors.

Location and opening times of council properties:

Council buildings with public access, libraries

Leisure centres


Registration offices.

Councillors' information and contact details: Currently elected councillors including party, membership of committees, address, telephone number and email contact.

Contact details for all customer-facing departments: Find the service you want on this website.

Most recent election results: Election results indicating the political composition of the Council.

Relationships with other authorities: Information for example about Powys County Council and Dyfed Powys Police, Powys Teaching Health Board or the Welsh Trunk Road Agency.