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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Youth Services for Children, Young people and families

Youth Service

Youth Intervention Service

The Powys Youth Intervention Service is a voluntary service offering short to medium term help and support to young people aged 11 - 25.

Contact - (South and Mid) - Simon Titley / Helen Quarrell

Contact - (North) - Simon Titley


Detached Youth Work Team

Offering young people aged 16-25 in Powys one-to-one support to get to their next step.

Contact -

Open Access Youth Service

The Powys Youth Service Open Access Team offers a wide range of services to young people aged 11-25. These are delivered by a dedicated team of professionally qualified youth workers throughout Powys who have a broad range of backgrounds and experiences. The service is voluntary based and is open ended in nature.

Contact -Helen Quarrell - 07805024126 or Rhodri Jones - 07909882525

Brecon Youth Club -

Penrhos Youth Club -

Newtown Youth Club

Llandrindod Youth Club -


Young Stonewall

Young Stonewall want to empower all young people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.  They also want to campaign for equality and fair treatment for LGBTQ people, and against discrimination.



Powys Youth Justice Service

Powys Youth Justice Service (YJS)  (including Youth Justice Prevention Service (YJPS)) work with young people aged 8 to 18 who have been involved in or are at risk of offending behaviour.  Young people referred into the service are assessed in a number of ways and this includes assessment of their 'Safety and Wellbeing'.  We carry out a number of interventions aimed specifically at improving mental and emotional health and routinely consult with and refer to our seconded Clinical Nurse Specialist (RMN).  We also work closely with CAIS substance misuse service. 

 Where we are concerned for the Safety and Wellbeing of a young person, we arrange and Chair a multi-agency Risk Management Meeting (RMM) to formulate a response and risk management plan.


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