Counselling and Therapy

Area 43 Schools and Community-Based Counselling Services in Powys
Area 43 provides an Independent School and Community Based Counselling Service in Powys.
Area 43's counselling service is available to all children and young people, whether they are in school or electively home-educated, community settings and online sessions may be offered as an alternative to school settings as appropriate.
Face-to-face services are delivered between Monday and Saturday 9am to 6pm, all year round, excluding Bank Holidays. Sessions will be 1:1 or in groups (where appropriate) for 10 - 19 year-olds, in either school settings or in the community as required.
Alternatively, they can provide a seamless, blended service with online sessions via secure online meeting platforms, expanding the age range to 11 - 25 year-olds depending on the needs of children and young people. All counselling relationships will usually comprise up to eight weekly sessions and in the language of choice.
Young people can self-refer, or they can be referred in by completing the online referral form - Counselling Referral Form - Powys - Area 43
Louise Greenwood -
Play Therapy
The Windfall Centre
Windfall provides therapeutic support to children and young people facing a wide range of challenges which can include concerning behaviours, attachment difficulties and developmental trauma. Windfall provide support, advice and a listening ear for parents, foster carers and children and young people who may be feeling under stress and need to talk.
Phone - 01597 829346
Email -
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