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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Parking Suspension: Terms and Conditions

Enforceable parking areas/bays can be suspended, with the Council's permission, to allow for works or other activities  Failure to comply with these terms and conditions will lead to the withdrawal of the suspension and may result in the issue of a Penalty Charge Notice.

Suspension are issued for use by the applicant in respect of the location, and for the periods and purpose as approved. A suspension does not guarantee that a specific space will be available. The Council will erect signage, two days in advance, if your application is successful, we will erect temporary advanced warning signs at each end of the area of the suspension (and centrally in longer areas/bays) indicating when it will be suspended.

This must be in place for a minimum of two days before the parking area/bay is suspended to make motorists or residents aware of the suspension, but we cannot guarantee the area will be clear at the start of the suspension period applied for.

It is your responsibility to provide and deploy cones, as required, to cordon off the parking bays or for marking them as 'out of use' as necessary and maintain the deployment for the duration of the suspension. We normally advise that cones are put out very early in the morning.

Any special vehicle, if allowed to be used within the designated area, must be moved, if so, directed by a Police Officer or a Civil Enforcement Officer or other Officer authorised by the Council.

The suspension does not permit general parking at the location stated. Any vehicle, not part of the designated area, must immediately be moved elsewhere and comply with any traffic regulations.  

Materials or goods must not be deposited on the carriageway or footway unless permission to do so has been obtained from the Highway Authority. Nor shall materials or goods be passed across any part of the footway or carriageway in any manner which may interfere with the safety of pedestrians and/or of other vehicles.

Specific conditions may be imposed on the issue of a suspension over and above those detailed here and failure to comply with them may lead to the cancellation of the suspension. A suspension may be cancelled at any time at the discretion of the Council and shall thereupon immediately cease to be valid.

If you finish using the suspended area earlier than anticipated, you must inform the Council by phone or email so that they can lift the suspension as soon as possible. Conversely, if due to unforeseen circumstances, an extension may be required this must be agreed with the Council at least two working days prior to the end of the approved suspension period otherwise any request will be treated as a new application.


A suspension costs £395.00.

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