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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Tell us about an event you are planning!

We've put together a handy checklist to assist you with the application, to make sure you have the right licences ready before diving into the form.

Road closure: Make sure to request a road closure at least 10 weeks ahead of your event. You can do this through our page at! or by completing the form below we can submit your application on your behalf

Food: Should food be served after 23:00, please ensure that you have the correct licence in place. Further information of which can be found here!

Music: If your business sells alcohol or provides entertainment or late night food or drink, you need a premises licence. Large one-off events may need premises licences too. You can apply via our! pages

Land owned by Powys County Council: The Outdoor Recreation team is responsible for the management of a large number of public amenity facilities across Powys; This includes parks and open spaces, play areas, sports pitches, woodlands, allotments and even a Local Nature Reserve; Some of these facilities are available to hire for community events;! or by completing the form below we can submit your application on your behalf

If you're unsure whether the area set for your event falls under Powys County Council's jurisdiction, you can check by looking at our 'open play space' map found on the open play space webpage (opens in new window)

You can save the form while you’re filling it out, and you’ll get an email with a link to access it later. If you prefer, just log into your 'My Powys Account' and find the form in 'My Saved Form'

Tell us about your event here Event Notification Form

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