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Flying Start

Flying Start

Flying Start logo
Flying Start is a programme for families with children aged 0-4 years which offers:

  • high quality, funded, part-time childcare for children aged 2-3yrs
  • free parenting programmes
  • enhanced Health Visiting support
  • speech and language support

Flying Start is targeted at certain postcodes across Powys. Find out if you are eligible by using our easy postcode checker below

Introducing Flying Start

The Flying Start programme consists of four core elements: high quality, funded childcare, family support through Incredible Years programmes, enhanced Health Visitor support, and support for early years language development.

High quality, funded, part-time childcare for 2-3 year olds

Flying Start provides quality childcare to parents of all eligible 2-3 year olds for 2 ½ hours a day, 5 days a week for 39 weeks a year plus at least 15 sessions for the family during the school holidays.

Access to Parenting Programmes

The aim of the Flying start parenting team is to work in partnership with families.

A range of parenting support is available in Powys, including 1:1 support and groups, through teams such as Early Help in Powys. This supports you to get the best out of your relationship with your child.

Becoming a parent is one of the most challenging things you will ever do, getting the right information and support is crucial to a flying start.

The groups promote parents learning together and sharing experiences.

You can request to attend a parenting group here.  (Parenting Groups (Incredible Years) - Powys County Council

An Enhanced Health Visiting service

You will receive an enhanced health visiting service with a dedicated Flying Start Health Visitor, delivering key messages to support positive health and wellbeing for parent and child. Workshops and groups will be run by the Health Visiting team such as weaning, toilet training and baby massage.

To find out more, chat to your health visitor at your next appointment.

Speech, Language and Communication

Attend the fun and engaging ''Let's Talk" groups suitable from 3 months for ideas of how to help your child with their language and communication or attend a Drop In session to ask for advice if you have concerns about your child's speech and language.

The Children's Speech and Language Therapy Service provides specialist assessment and treatment for children who, for a variety of reasons, may be experiencing difficulties communicating, this is done on a referral basis. Contact the Powys Teaching Heath Board Speech and Language Team for more information:

Flying Start Community Managers

In addition to the four core elements, Flying Start families in Welshpool, Newtown, Llandrindod, Brecon and Ystradgynlais have access to a designated community manager.  The role of the community managers is to make themselves available to listen to the needs of the community and work with key people and services to help respond to those needs.

It's through our community managers we also bring events and activities or work with partners to bring events to the community.

Our aim is to help ensure your experience of being a member of the Flying Start community is a positive and fulfilling one.

Flying Start Community Manager Contacts:

Welsh Government Expansion

As part of the Welsh Government's commitment to expand Flying Start to more families across Wales, we are pleased to announce that more families living in Powys are able to benefit from 12 ½ hours of funded, high quality childcare a week at one of our approved Flying Start childcare providers in Powys.

Please check your postcode to see what elements of the Flying Start Program you are eligible for.

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