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Powys County Council signs groundbreaking cross border partnership

Powys County Council has signed a groundbreaking agreement with three other English and Welsh local authorities today (10 November)

Improved Planning Services

Understanding and navigating the planning application process in Powys has just been made easier thanks to improvements announced by the County Council's Planning Services.

Powys Careline Scam

Powys residents are urged to be vigilant as the council has been made aware of scam calls linked to Powys Careline.

Leaders joint statement in response to Centre of Technology statement

Ceredigion and Powys Councils are aware of and are monitoring the situation with the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT)

National Safeguarding Week focuses on support for rural communities

Safeguarding our rural communities is the theme of a wide-ranging programme taking place across Mid and West Wales for National Safeguarding Week, starting on Monday, 13th November.

Last few weeks of garden waste collections for 2023

Residents and garden waste collection subscribers are reminded that there are only a few weeks of collections left for this year.

Delight at success of council sponsored Service Children Awards

An awards ceremony, sponsored by the county council and celebrating the achievements of service children from across Wales, saw many successes for Powys.

Grow your business with a grant of up to £25k

Businesses in Powys with plans to expand, or secure their future in challenging times, could be eligible for a Growth Grant from the county council.

Powys to benefit from Welsh Government Natural Flood Management grant

Powys County Council have secured £676,728 from the Welsh Government's Natural Flood Management Accelerator Programme. The two-year programme aims to deliver nature-based flood management solutions in flood risk areas, and follows the work already carried out under the previous Natural Flood Management programme 2020-23.

Council to spend £5 million on digital improvements

More than £5 million is to be spent over four years on digital improvements that offer residents and businesses more choice and makes Powys County Council more resilient.

Second phase of dredging underway on Montgomery Canal restoration

Glandŵr Cymru, the Canal & River Trust in Wales, has started the second phase of dredging on the Montgomery Canal as part of the effort to restore the 200-year-old canal so that boats can once again use it and to protect the manmade waterway for future generations.

Powys is supporting Talk Money Week 2023

A campaign encouraging people to talk about money is being supported by Powys County Council.