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Notice: Careline customers please be aware of this scam (January 2025)

Public Protection - Compliance and Enforcement Policy

7. Checking compliance

7.1      Where applicable, services will adopt an intelligence-informed approach to ensure that its resources are most effectively targeted. A number of risk assessment frameworks across its areas of work will be utilised to determine the frequency of checks on compliance which includes inspections of and other visits to business premises, taking samples, making of test purchases and so on.

7.2      Complaints received by the Service about alleged non-compliance will be assessed on an individual, case by case basis and allocated to an appropriate officer for investigation/action as necessary.

7.3      After dealing with issues of non-compliance by way of advice, the Service will follow up to ensure that the areas of concern have been rectified and the business is fully compliant.

Where remedial work has been required, an explanation will be given as to why it is required, and over what timescale it has to be completed.

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