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Notice: Careline customers please be aware of this scam (January 2025)

Public Protection - Compliance and Enforcement Policy

1. Introduction Issue number 1.3

1.1      Services covered by this policy include Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Licensing functions on behalf of Powys County Council. The services provided include food safety, animal health and welfare, health and safety, fair trading, pollution control, and weights and measures. The Council also has licensing responsibility for a range of matters including alcohol, gambling, explosives(fireworks), petroleum storage (garages) and taxis.

1.2      Powys County Council is committed to good enforcement practice. The development of this policy is based upon current legislation, guidance and codes that apply in this context, and in particular the Regulator's Code.

1.3      This policy sets out our approach to compliance and enforcement activities and is intended to establish a consistent approach to enforcement, without placing too heavy a burden on local businesses, organisations, and the public. Feedback is always welcomed using the contact details provided below.  Consideration will be given to the inclusion of any suggested improvements in future revisions.

1.4     In adopting this policy, we will apply legal powers consistently and fairly, whatever the circumstances.  Enforcement decisions will not be adversely influenced by the age, gender, disability, language, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation of the subject, victims, or witnesses.

1.5      We want to make it easy for you to receive our information.  This policy is published in English and Welsh on our website. We are also able to provide the document in alternative formats including audio tape, large print and in community languages if needed.  Our address is County Hall, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG. Our email address is  

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