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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Public Protection - Compliance and Enforcement Policy

2. Aims of our services

2.1      The National Enforcement Priorities for Wales are:

  • To protect individuals from harm and promote health improvement.
  • To ensure the safety and quality of the food chain to minimise risk to humans and animal health.
  • To promote a fair and just trading environment for citizens and business.
  • To improve the local environment to positively influence quality of life and promote sustainability.

2.2          Powys County Council adopts these priorities as it aims to safeguard the health, safety and economic wellbeing of those who live in, work in or those who are visiting the region, while at the same time maintaining a fair and competitive marketplace where legitimate businesses can thrive.  Our actions are also aligned to Powys County Council's Corporate Plan[1].  We say by conducting fair and proportionate enforcement activities we will help to promote good business and good regulation fairly enforced will support legitimate business, allowing them to grow.  Our actions will also support the health and wellbeing of our residents in cases where we intervene, for example, on supporting vulnerable persons, on health and safety, food matters and product safety.

2.3          Compliance with the law is encouraged proactively and we will work with business and individuals to promote this goal through: 

  • the provision of advice and education,
  • Intelligence-informed checks on compliance, and
  • proportionate responses to regulatory breaches.

Our ultimate purpose is to ensure that the 'marketplace' functions effectively and risks to health, social and economic wellbeing are addressed.  When that purpose is undermined, we will use our legal powers to take action to resolve any unsatisfactory situations and ensure that any wrongdoers are held to account.  This is what is meant by the term enforcement action.

2.4      We are committed to taking firm action in the following situations:

  • Against those who disregard the law, or who deliberately or persistently fail to comply.
  • Where there is a serious or immediate risk to health and safety, and
  • Where it is necessary to protect the more vulnerable in our communities from harm.


[1] Stronger, Fairer, Greener - Our Corporate Plan - Powys County Council


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