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Replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) Candidate Sites

Powys Local Planning Authority (LPA) opened the Call for Candidate Sites, for six weeks from 1 November to 13 December 2022.

A further sites submission window opened between 19 August and 7 October 2024 during the consultation on the Powys Replacement LDP (2022-2037) Preferred Strategy (also known as the Pre-deposit Plan).

A Candidate Sites Register currently records all the sites submitted for consideration during the 2022 Call for Sites and the Register will be updated to include the new site proposals put forward in 2024.


To view the Candidate Site Register go to the LDP Consultation Portal and open the Historic Documents Section.   Please note that some sites have already been "filtered out" from the selection process - choose the tab called Initial Site Filter to see these.

A schedule identifying new candidate sites (submitted 19 August to 7 October 2024) will be published on the Consultation Portal in due course.  We are not currently accepting public comments on any of the  Candidate Sites, but relevant participation opportunities will be offered on the new sites in due course.

Candidate Site submissions are only potential development sites submitted to the Council for consideration.  There is no guarantee that a site will be allocated for development in the Replacement LDP. 

Guidance and Information relating to the Candidate Site Process

The following guidance and information has been published as part of the Candidate Sites process:

  • Candidate Site Guidance Notes (PDF, 381 KB) - which provide guidance on completing each question on the form and on the additional information that needs to be submitted in support of the submission.
  • The interactive Constraints Map to identify any key policy and designated site constraints. Site proposers will need to refer to the Constraints Map in order to respond to relevant questions on the Candidate Site Submission Form. Please note that this data should NOT be relied on for legal purposes and may not be fully up-to-date with changes made to the constraints' data in the County.  The Council can accept no responsibility for any error or inaccuracy which may arise'.
  • Candidate Site Assessment Methodology (PDF, 738 KB) - which set out the process, assessment criteria, and methodology to be used by the LPA to determine the suitability of Candidate Sites for inclusion as Allocated Sites within the Replacement LDP.  Appendix 1 of this document sets out the framework to be used for assessing sites as part of the Integrated Sustainability Appraisal process.
  • Candidate Site Viability Assessment Guidance 2024 (PDF, 341 KB) - this sets out the process that will be used to assess the viability of Candidate Sites.  The LPA expects site proposers to submit an Initial Site Viability Assessment, using the Development Viability Model (DVM) developed regionally, together with supporting viability information, at the Call for Candidate Sites stage.  This Guidance should be used alongside the User Guide accompanying the model and 'how to' videos prepared to assist with completion of the model. To obtain a copy of the DVM for a specific Candidate Site, with the accompanying User Guide, please contact the LPA at giving the site address details and a location plan.
  • Local Landscape Character Assessment - prepared as evidence to inform the Powys Replacement LDP. It provides guidance on how landscape character should be considered as part of development proposals. Site proposers will need to refer to this assessment to respond to Question 44 on the Candidate Site Submission Form.

The Powys Replacement LDP will be supported by certain assessment processes aimed at ensuring that the plan contributes towards sustainable development, well-being, and other requirements around equality, health, Welsh language, and the environment.   The following documents provide an overview of the main assessment processes and their key elements:

 Candidate Sites - Using the Constraints Map

 Viewing the interactive Candidate Site Register

What happens next?

The LPA is continuing to assess all the Candidate Sites to determine if they are suitable, or not, for inclusion in the Replacement LDP.  Only a selection of the most suitable sites, once fully assessed,  will be proposed as land allocations in the next step, the Replacement LDP Deposit Plan.  There will be the opportunity to comment on the sites identified as land allocations when the Deposit Plan is published for statutory public consultation (see Delivery Agreement).

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