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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Rent and Service Charges - Questions and Answers

How did the Council decide the change in my rent?

This year's rent increase has taken into account compliance with the Welsh Government's Policy for Social Housing Rents and also taken into account affordability for tenants of the whole cost of living in a property, including for example, rent, service charges and energy costs.

The Tenant Scrutiny Panel has also been involved in the discussions about setting rents for 2024-2025.

From April 1st 2024 the average rent in Powys will increase by 6.7% for all 5,523 Council owned homes excluding service charges.

Service charges charged to HRA (Housing Revenue Account) tenants are amended from effect from April 1st 2024 to allow the Council to recover the cost incurred in providing these services.

Garage rents in Powys with effect from April 1st 2024 are increased from £13.73 to £14.65 per week (£17.58 for non-tenants subject to VAT)

Garage plot charges, unless covered by a fixed rate agreed at the time of letting, from April 1st 2024 have increased from £174.59 to £186.29 for the year.

Weekly occupation charge from April 1st 2024, charges for Gypsy and Traveller pitches will be increased by 6.7%, the average rent being £122.09.

Other rental and service charges, not detailed above, effect from April 1st 2024, will increase by 6.7%.