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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Lead Residential Care roles

Training and Support for the Role

We will train the whole teamin the therapeutic model to emotionally connect with children.  Ongoing you will receive reflective group supervision supported by a clinical psychologist. 

As a Registered Manager you will already have a Level 5 in Leadership for Health and Social Care Services (Children and young people's Residential Management).  You will be supported to provide a therapeutic setting, engaging, and implementing with the Children's Services training team to ensure the right training is in place for your team to meet need.

As a Deputy Care Manager you will already have a Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care Services (Children & Young People).  We also require that you are working towards a Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health & Social Care with completion within one year of your start date; we will support you in undertaking this qualification.  You will support the Registered Manager in putting the right training in place for your team.

As a Senior Residential Care Worker you will already have a Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care Services (Children & Young People).  You will be keen to progress and demonstrate your residential knowledge with your team, supporting the team in it's ongoing training need. 

We will provide a comprehensive induction package that will include positive behaviour management, first aid, fire safety training, food hygiene, care and medication.  You will undertake mandatory e-learning and the induction will give you the opportunity to get to know your team, policies & procedures, and the home where you will be providing care. 

Being part of Powys Children's Services will mean that you are part of a learning community and opportunity to apply to our 'Grow your own' Social Worker programme or Level 5 Diploma in Leadership in Health and Social Care.   

You will have access to online and in person training events such as: 

  • Attachment Theory 
  • Challenging Behaviour 
  • Child Development  
  • Appropriate Touch 
  • Community of Practice Seminars that examine issues such as Child Sexual Exploitation 

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