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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Lead Residential Care roles

Rota Times

You will be leading a team, implementing, and overseeing a rota pattern that works for the home.

Registered Manager will manage the home in the day and there will be an expectation to undertake some shifts to connect and support your team to ensure best practice.

Deputy Care Manager will lead as a senior on shift as part of the rota pattern whilst supporting the Registered Manager.

A Senior Residential Care Worker will lead each shift on a rota pattern.

This is an example of the rota times/expectations that will be in place at the home:

Residential Day Care Workers will work shift times of 07:15 to 15:00 and 14:00 - 22:00. 

Residential Night Care Workers will work a night shift of 21:30 to 07:30. 

Care will be provided on a 24-hour basis and the rota pattern will ensure a healthy balance between providing intensive support to young people and subsequent rest and recovery for the staff team.   

Residential Workers will always work with a Senior Residential Worker to lead the shift.   

The team will be supported by managers of the home and an on-call system will provide management cover 7 days a week. 

A rolling rota system will be projected throughout the calendar year, giving staff the opportunity to plan ahead promoting a good work-life balance.   

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