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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Fall Prevention and Support

Falling at home can cause serious injuries, change your life, and damage your health. Talking about it and doing something to avoid it happening can make a difference.

We hope that the information sections below help support and guide you on how to help prevent falls.

Falls prevention info

Falls Information Keeping Active Home Safety Talking About Falls Looking after your Feet.

Falls Information

Falls are the second leading cause of accidental injury or death worldwide. There are many reasons that you may be at risk of falls.

Read more information (Go to Falls Information)

Keeping Active

Balance problems and/or muscle weakness also cause falls. It is best to remain as active as possible and improve strength through regular exercise. Even small amounts of movement can help.

Read more information (Go to Keeping Active)

Home Safety

Over half of falls occur in the home. Potential hazards in the home are easily overlooked.

Read more information (Go to Home Safety)

Talking About Falls

Tell someone that you have had a fall and they can refer you to services that can assess you to find out what can be done to reduce the risk of another fall.

Read more information (Go to Talking About Falls)

Looking after your Feet.

Looking after your feet (foot care) and treating common foot problems - such as corns, calluses, bunions, and ingrown toenails - can help to prevent problems that make you unsteady on your feet and at risk of a fall.

Read more information (Go to Looking after your Feet.)
Falls Information Falls Information

Falls Information

Falls are the second leading cause of accidental injury or death worldwide. There are many reasons that you may be at risk of falls.

Read more information (Go to Falls Information)
Keeping Active Keeping Active

Keeping Active

Balance problems and/or muscle weakness also cause falls. It is best to remain as active as possible and improve strength through regular exercise. Even small amounts of movement can help.

Read more information (Go to Keeping Active)
Home Safety Home Safety

Home Safety

Over half of falls occur in the home. Potential hazards in the home are easily overlooked.

Read more information (Go to Home Safety)
Talking About Falls Talking About Falls

Talking About Falls

Tell someone that you have had a fall and they can refer you to services that can assess you to find out what can be done to reduce the risk of another fall.

Read more information (Go to Talking About Falls)
Looking after your Feet. Looking after your Feet.

Looking after your Feet.

Looking after your feet (foot care) and treating common foot problems - such as corns, calluses, bunions, and ingrown toenails - can help to prevent problems that make you unsteady on your feet and at risk of a fall.

Read more information (Go to Looking after your Feet.)